What's New in Procore

What's New in Procore. Changelog and newsfeed.

general contractors
specialty contractors
owners and developers
July 26, 2022

Enhanced Reporting for Financials is now readily available

This new reporting feature allows more customization opportunities to take advantage of insights from Financial data within Procore.

  • Access integrated, platform-wide, on-demand reporting across your project or portfolio
  • Build reports with data from across tools and with data from active and inactive projects
  • Use updated report-building tools like filtering, grouping, formatting, and subtotals/totals
  • Automatically schedule distribution of reports to project stakeholders and collaborators or share custom report templates between projects
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Have reports built in the Legacy Reporting environment? Don’t worry! Those reports still exist. The current Reporting tool is still available as we continue to enhance the reporting environment across all products.

To learn more, check out our on-demand overview webinar or view our support site.

Click here to learn more about Procore.

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