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Digitize your forms

Electronic documentation just got a whole lot easier.

Contractor using Procore on a tablet

Simple to complex forms and inspections at your fingertips.

Stay connected and prepared with forms that are essential to your internal and third-party stakeholder processes. With Procore's Forms Tool, capture the valuable data needed to keep you safe and help you build to quality standards. The Forms Tool eliminates time wasters, documents the details you need, and meets internal and external requirements.

The Forms Tool makes collaborating with team members and key stakeholders seamless and efficient by enabling you to:

  • Meet the format needs and expectations of third-party stakeholders and additional project collaborators.

  • Upload all types of fillable PDFs to your Forms library for easy access in the field.

  • Immediately access Forms from your mobile device anytime, anywhere.

  • Quickly find and access information associated with Forms in one central location.

  • Electronically sign off on your Forms.

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Easy to Access

With the Forms Tool you’re no longer tied to pen and paper. You can upload and fill out PDF forms and submit them from the field. No more endless searches to track down different forms you fill out every day.

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Complex Forms Made Simple

From pre-task plans and hot work permits to visitor logs and attendance rosters, the Forms Tool offers you the flexibility to access what you need, when you need it.

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Improve Jobsite Quality and Safety

Capture critical data and keep it secure alongside other project information. By utilizing Forms, you have the ability to stay ahead of any potential issues, keep your projects safe, stay within regulations, and remain competitive.

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Collaborative in Every Aspect

When third parties and government agencies regulate the use of specific forms and inspections, you now have an option, outside of pen and paper. These forms are easy to share and they allow you to gather the information you need to keep up with requests from internal and external stakeholders.

Get started today.

If you can send an email, you can use Procore. Building better is really that simple.



