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Greg Korn Architect, PC

Claimed Business

GKA’s mission is to bring reliable, affordable, and innovative architectural services to American Small Business. Our design approach is to find “simple solutions to complex projects.” GKA specializes in the design of new construction and alterations for commercial, industrial, multi-family residential, and municipal properties. Since its founding in 2009, the firm has performed architectural serv...
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Company Size: Less than 10 employees

Average Contract Size: $100,000 to $1,000,000 (USD)

Joined Procore in April 2023

Trades and Services

Architectural Design and Engineering

Market Sectors

Commercial, Healthcare, Industrial and Energy, Institutional, Residential

Company Types


Greg Korn Architect, PC Procore Activity Since April 2023

How are these metrics calculated?

6Total Procore Projects

$403,061Average Procore Project Size

Current Activity

4Active Procore Projects

4Procore Users

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